Qulliit remembers Nunavut’s murdered and missing Inuit women and girls

News Release

Iqaluit, Nunavut (May 3, 2023) - Margaret Nakashuk, Minister responsible for the Status of Women, and Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council President Amber Aglukark, will mark Red Dress Day with a remembrance ceremony and march in Iqaluit on Friday, May 5 2023, at 3 p.m. starting outside the Qulliit office at Building 987B.

‘’I encourage everyone to mark Red Dress Day, and to take a moment to remember those we lost too soon,” said Minister Nakashuk. “We must work tirelessly with our partners to ensure that the 46 Inuit-specific Calls for Justice in the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls are realized.‘’

“Reconciliation means that our rights are recognized, and that our safety and security are vital to decision-makers,” explains Amber Aglukark. “Only then can we heal and grow into our full potential. We must empower our women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people and help them strive in safe, loving homes and communities. Qulliit is committed to this end, and will work with all our partners to realize this goal.”

In addition to the remembrance march this year, Qulliit is launching RED – Remember, Educate, Dedicate. RED will be a year-long artistic initiative, asking Nunavut artisans, musicians, carvers, writers, and seamstresses to create pieces that honour those we’ve lost. Those pieces will be showcased next year in a virtual and travelling art show that focuses on remembrance, healing and empowerment. The artwork will first be displayed in February 2024.

Media contact:

Cate Macleod

Executive Director

Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council





