Qulliit unveils RED

Iqaluit, Nunavut (May 5, 2024) - Margaret Nakashuk, Minister responsible for Status of Women, and Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council President Amber Aglukark today marked the National Day for Awareness of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) by unveiling the RED (Remember-Educate-Dedicate) project.


RED has been a year-long initiative of Qulliit to focus on the remembrance, healing and empowerment of MMIWG through the unique eyes of our Nunavut artists. There is a mix of art from renowned Nunavut artists, as well as pieces from inspired Nunavummiut who wanted to provide their perspectives. 


“It is vital that we commemorate our stolen sisters in a way that reflects the pain and healing of Nunavummiut,” said Minister Nakashuk. “We wanted to do something concrete that spoke to the journey, the struggle and the immense loss that we feel, but that also provides hope and empowerment for all.”


“As the RED exhibit is now online, and will travel throughout the territory over the foreseeable future, my hope is this allows us to foster the intention of Red Dress Day every day,” said Qulliit President Amber Aglukark. ‘’I hope that today, all across the territory, we take a moment to celebrate their memories, as well as create safe spaces for women, girls, gender-diverse and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people to thrive in our communities.”


The RED exhibit is now online at www.redNU.ca and will begin its traveling component at the Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum in Iqaluit on September 2 2024.


Media contact:

Cate Macleod
Executive Director
Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council

International Women’s Day 2024


Start Date: March 4, 2024
End Date: March 8, 2024
60 sec

March 8 is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate the accomplishments of women, girls and gender-diverse people. Under the theme #InspireInclusion, we recognize the work left to be done in reaching gender equity and pledge to support women in creating a better tomorrow.

Solutions towards gender equity, breaking biases and raising awareness about discrimination are everyone’s responsibility. We can all make a difference for the better and commit to #InspireInclusion.

On Friday March 8, the Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council, the Government of Nunavut, Agvik YWCA, the Law Society of Nunavut and Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada are holding an International Women’s Day celebration at the Cadet Hall from 2-6 p.m.

Iqalummiut can join us throughout the day for mini spa activities, craft sale, live music and food. There will be a kids’ area and representatives from our partners will be on-hand to answer questions. Hope to see you there!

Media contact:

Angela Petru
Projects Manager
Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council
867.979.6690 / 514.521.4291