Winners of March 2018 International Women's Day Photo Competition 'Celebrating Women and Their Families'


10 prizes of $200 each

'Mother-Daughter' by Eetuk Groves, Iqaluit

'Mother-Daughter' by Eetuk Groves, Iqaluit

'Cold Day' by Elizabeth Inuarak, Pond Inlet

'Cold Day' by Elizabeth Inuarak, Pond Inlet

'Sliding/Skate Board' by Gayle Umphrey, Iqaluit (cleaning skins while having fun)

'Sliding/Skate Board' by Gayle Umphrey, Iqaluit (cleaning skins while having fun)

'First Catch With Spear' by Hannah Qirqqut, Gjoa Haven

'First Catch With Spear' by Hannah Qirqqut, Gjoa Haven

'Hands' by Jolene Itklik, Naujaat

'Hands' by Jolene Itklik, Naujaat

'Mother and Son Ice Fishing' by Christine Angootealuk, Coral Harbour

'Mother and Son Ice Fishing' by Christine Angootealuk, Coral Harbour

"On The Right Path' by Eetuk Groves, Iqaluit

"On The Right Path' by Eetuk Groves, Iqaluit

''Toonik Time Seal Skinning Champion' by Taymin Kane, Iqaluit

''Toonik Time Seal Skinning Champion' by Taymin Kane, Iqaluit

'A Northern Family Portrait' by Taymin Kane, Iqaluit

'A Northern Family Portrait' by Taymin Kane, Iqaluit

'Summer Moon on Baffin Island' by Taymin Kane, Iqaluit

'Summer Moon on Baffin Island' by Taymin Kane, Iqaluit